Glute Workout 🍑

Glute Workout 🍑

The Ultimate Glute Workout: 4 Exercises for Maximum Results

Want strong, round and tight buttocks? This effective glute workout for women is perfect to achieve your goals! It combines shortening, lengthening, unilateral and isolation exercises.

Each exercise consists of 3 sets to failure. Start today and see results fast!

1. Shortened exercise: Glute Bridges

Glute bridges are a great exercise to activate and strengthen the glutes. You lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor and lift your hips up until your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Execution: 3 sets to failure

Tip: Squeeze your glutes throughout the movement for maximum activation.

2. Extended exercise: Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is an elongation exercise that challenges your glutes and helps build strength and stability. Place one foot behind you on a bench and lower your back knee toward the ground.

Execution: 3 sets per leg to failure

Tip: Make sure to perform the movement slowly and in a controlled manner for optimal muscle development.

3. Unilateral Exercise: Single-Leg Deadlift

The Single-Leg Deadlift improves your balance and focuses on one leg at a time, which helps correct any muscle imbalances. Hold a weight in your hands and slowly bend forward, extending one leg behind you.

Execution: 3 sets per leg to failure

Tip: Keep your back straight and your abs engaged for added stability.

4. Isolating Exercise: Cable Kickbacks

For maximum glute isolation , Cable Kickbacks are perfect. Using a cable machine, push your leg back while squeezing your glutes.

Execution: 3 sets per leg to failure

Tip: Focus on the mind-muscle connection to really activate your glutes.

Why this workout?

This glute workout combines different techniques and movements that target both the glutes large and small. The variation in exercises not only works on strength, but also on balance and muscle endurance. With consistency you will see results quickly and feel stronger in your body!

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